Plum eLearning Testimonials

Praise from Plum eLearning Clients

Hear from Plum eLearning clients who were once in your shoes.

Feedback from Learners

This is actually the best compliance-y training I've taken at [our company]. Kudos to the team that made this, can they make more of our trainings? :)

The training was perfect. It covered all of the issues and wasn't overly long (which would lead to boredom and disengagement).

This was put together in a fun and informative way. I liked the simple case studies that were used, as this put things into perspective and allowed you to see the various options.

Good training, gave good examples. Perfect!

I thought the session was perfect!

This was one of the best [online] trainings that I have taken. Good visual aids and easy workflow make it super interesting as well.

Among all the trainings and compliance requirements resources I have worked on this was definitely the most interactive and clear with respect to [our company] policies. I wanted to take some time to attribute credit to the work that those who put together this awesome resource to help foster better compliance!


I just wanted to thank you for making the course accessible to keyboards and to those with cognitive difficulties. It was very well-designed and I had an easy time reading it and getting through the training.

Some of Plum's Clients

Compliance Atheaeum Logo Grayscale logo grayscale
Qualcom Logo Grayscale
Huthwaite Logo Grayscale
US Army Logo Grayscale
Deep Mind Logo Grayscale
CompTIA logo Grayscale
Barton Health Logo Grayscale